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Rick Rothrock

The Work of

Rick Rothrock


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Studio Location  
1804 Inn Lane
Wilmington DE 19810
United States
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United States
Artist's Statement
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Stone has been the primary material featured in my work for decades. I use various stones in my palette for color, texture, and aesthetic effect. The artwork contrasts the natural surface and structure of stone with its’ inner and invisible beauty. The abstraction in these works reveals the physical and visual phenomena that exist in nature rather than represent fauna and flora. The fact that frozen fluid motion appears as wind in a sail or that light can be captured in crystals of matter that appear to be opaque, reveals something fundamental about the invisible forces of nature that effect us all. I have dedicated much of my work to illustrating and incorporating these invisible forces into my sculpture. Many of the artworks are monolithic yet have compositions relying on multiple relationships of material, form, color, texture, balance and movement. My art encompasses studio work and public environmental installations. Through public works I seek to energize a place by evoking something essential in its’ nature by considering the unseen forces of the seasons and providing a platform for human interaction as part of the subject matter. With its vocabulary of geometry and composition, my artwork is intended to be a poetic description of the physical realm of nature and our connection to it. It represents the ephemeral peace and balance that is a predominant feature of the natural universe that surrounds us.

Rick Rothrock Rendezvous
CLASS: Sculpture
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: Brandywine Granite
SIZE: 8h' x 9.5' x 2'
YEAR: 2005
Rendezvous is installed as part of “Freedom Plaza” at the government center of The City of Wilmington, New Castle County and the State of Delaware. The integrated seating and its’ spiral design presents the public with the opportunity to meet in sun or shadow, in public or private, and as an individual or as a group. The artwork stands as a symbol of common ground and understanding.
Mirrored Mandorla

Rick Rothrock Mirrored Mandorla
Mirrored Mandorla
CLASS: Sculpture
CATEGORY: Abstract
MEDIA: marble,water
SIZE: 6'h x 4" x 20'
YEAR: 2008
A 19 foot long arc is carved into the face of a historic abandoned quarry and reflects into the water. The reflected image, seen together with the physical image, reveals a complete mandorla. The carved wall faces south to provide the maximum reflective and shadow effects.
Twin Obelisks for Brownie

Rick Rothrock Twin Obelisks for Brownie
Twin Obelisks for Brownie
CLASS: Sculpture
MEDIA: granite
YEAR: 2008-2011
This park and sculpture is dedicated to Wilmington’s prolific and celebrated Bebop trumpeter and composer Clifford Brown and acknowledges his mentors and peers in the seminal traditions of American Jazz. It is located in a Greenway park along the Brandywine River.
Quill and Cube

Rick Rothrock Quill and Cube
Quill and Cube
CLASS: Sculpture
MEDIA: bronze,stainless steel, granite
YEAR: 1987
This sculpture and park commemorates Delaware’s role in ratifying the Constitution, and recognizes the participation of all 50 states.It is located in Dover, the capitol of Delaware.
Three Mill Pylons

Rick Rothrock Three Mill Pylons
Three Mill Pylons
CLASS: Sculpture
MEDIA: granite
YEAR: 1994
This site-specific sculpture gives an inviting and interactive human scale to this award winning building. As a dramatic entryway and outdoor seating, the red and black granite sculpture sets the stage for interaction between the environment, the building and its’ inhabitants.

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